Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January in the garden...bareroot season

Ok, so last time we were going to talk about getting the garden going, starting with "siting".  However, that will have to wait until next time, as it is January has just flown and today is the first day of February.  That means there's still time for planing all sorts of wonderful bare root plants.  What you ask, can you plant bare root?  Well, to start - Berries!
Bare root berries waiting to be planted...already a few leaves

I've always wanted to have lots of berries in my garden.  I've just missed the blueberries, but managed to find raspberries, blackberries and boysenberries.  I also found a very nice article about how to plant and care for them here: 

Bare root plants come and go pretty quick at the nursery.  However you can also order online.  In addition to berries, you can get roses this way and also fruit trees, like apple, pear, etc.  If you're up for the adventure of buying something that basically looks like a stick (it's dormant) and hopefully enough to plant the stick and believe that you will have something beautiful later, you can save a lot vs. buying a fully leafed out plant, as you buy it with a pot or dirt.  


  1. It will be fun to see what new ideas we can get from each other. You obviously are pretty inspired to garden and stay healthy. I applaud your beautiful garden and look forward to your ideas.

  2. Thanks Leslie - Yes, looking forward to trading ideas to make our gardens more productive and beautiful.
